This post is for those who think that Rick Warren's beliefs on Calvinism (John Piper said that Warren is a four-pointer) are a recent ... that he is changing beliefs for this conference or to speak at the conference.
Quotes from Rick Warren on some of his theological leanings: "An Interview with Rick Warren: A Purpose Driven Phenomena" in Modern Reformation, volume 13, number 1, January/February, 2004.
"Theologically, I am a monergist and firmly hold to the five solas of the Reformation. It's pretty obvious from the book that I believe in foreknowledge, predestination, ... and, especially, concurrence--that God works in and through every detail of our lives, even our sinful choices, to cause his purposes to prevail."
"I'm a fourth-generation Baptist pastor. My great grandfather was led to Christ by Charles Spurgeon, attended Spurgeon's college, and was sent by Spurgeon to America to pastor. So I guess God predestined me to be a Baptist!"
"In closing, I'd like to mention that I have personally benefited from the writings of a number of the Alliance council, especially D. A. Carson, Michael Horton, Mark Dever, Gene E. Veith, Phillip G. Ryken, Mark Talbot, and R. C. Sproul. I'd like to commend them and thank them for their works."
"I read every issue of MR, and I think it is a magazine that is needed in our world today."